Monday, March 27, 2017

Blue Whales, the fifth mystery

Blue whales are huge and they are my favorite animal.

Their scientific name is Balaenoptera Musculus, and they are mammals, just like us humans;
they have a little bit of fur and their babies drink milk.
image by national geographic.

Their life span is larger than ours, they can live 80 to 90 years.

The blue whale is the longest animal in the animal kingdom, it can measure up to 32 meters and weight up to 200 tons. Their tongues weight more than an elephant and their hearts can weight about the same as a car. They are also the loudest animal in the animal kingdom, because their cries can be even louder than an airplane engine.
image by Aquarium of the pacific.

The blue whale feeds from a shrimp-like creature called krill. An average whale can eat 4 tons of krill in only a single day. Their color is a strong blue underwater, but when they go outside, they have an appearance of a gray and bluish color.

Blue whales have few predators, but they are chased by sharks and killer whales, and they are
constantly killed by impacts withlarge ships.

press the link below to listen to real blue whale sounds

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